About Me
Energy Efficient Lighting and Other Environment Protection Measures

Welcome to my blog! My name is Jackie. I live in Melbourne, Australia and my new favourite topic is energy use and the environment. For a number of years, I have been concerned about global warming and mankind's impact on the natural world. However, I did my best to shut these thoughts out of my mind. However, all of this changed when my 8-year-old daughter came home from school in tears because she had been learning about global warming in her science class. I decided to take action and called in a consultant who installed solar panels on my property.


Why You Should Have a Mine Fire Pump System Custom-Built

15 March 2022
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

You might have done everything that you can to make your mine a safe place for your employees to work. You might have built everything to specification, and you might have purchased new, good-quality safety equipment. You might have put your employees through ample safety training, too. However, there is still a chance of disaster on any mining site. For example, you do have to worry about mine fires, which can obviously be dangerous for workers inside and around the mine. Read More …